





Casa Donati
Fam Duchi e Donati
fr. Bono, n. 59
38070 Comano Terme
tel. e fax 0465 779146
cell. 338 9548926






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Farm holidays, situated in a typical house of goes them of the small village of Bono, Comano Terme, offers hospitality in a comfortable and comfortable apartment and two rooms, for a calm vacation and to human dimension (without to omit the modern comforts like l' photovoltaic system and l' access to Internet via wireless) in a rasserenante landscape. Encircled from the typical terraces cultivated to orchards, vineyards and ortaggi, it is un' optimal base for numerous excursions in the nature, on foot or in bici, but also in order to visit the historical-artistic wealth of goes them, beginning from the chiesetta of Saint Felice, to little meters, little one frescoed religious jewel from the Baschenis.














photo gallery


The new insides and the confort that  agritur House offers


Encircled from immense orchards, House knows to render your vacation calm





Casa Donati sotto la neve 


Una suggestiva visione della

chiesetta di San Felice

sotto la neve


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